Niedawno ukazały się dwa tomiki wierszy Anny Marii Mickiewicz. Tym razem w języku angielskim i francuskim.
Anna Maria Mickiewicz gauges the measure of the planet in a globetrotting collection of poems where old certainties give way to what one poem describes as “unfamiliar lettering.” The poems take in London, Oxford, Poland, Taipei and beyond and the scope of the poems is equally broad, touching on memory, philosophy and loss.
—Julian Bishop
While “the windows are silent” and she, like her legendary namesake, is “tired of a new language,” Anna Maria Mickiewicz sets out across Taipei, California, and London. Poem after exquisitely crafted poem, she searches and questions, meditating on the fragile state of the world we call home. Luckily, it’s not all doom and gloom. Dive in, folks, “the apple shines” and “the time of sunny spaces is coming.”
—Piotr Florczyk
A collection of poems about passing—the passing of time and people and thought. But what remains, gloriously so, is a subtle feeling for life and hope, travelling though various interior and exterior landscapes. “Together we will start tomorrow.
—Steve Rushton
– Prof. Amelii Serraller z Uniwersytetu w Madrycie została opublikowana w wydawnictwie the „Poetry Letter” należącym do California State Poetry Society…
Ce recueil contient cette voix intérieure inquiète, cette remise en question de la société et, en fin de compte, de ce que c’est que d’être humain. L’écriture y est riche en paradoxes : le plaisir et la douleur, le bonheur de l’attente et le goût amer des changements contemporains.
Ayant un penchant particulier pour la capture des phénomènes aquatiques, l’auteure les esquisse là où la nature et la culture fusionnent.